In the later years, when your memory faded your spunk still shone through. Your frail little hands neatly clasped and
your tiny little voice. The way you nestled into me when I hugged you and your “thank you” in response to my “I love you” but I always knew what you
meant. The way it felt when out of the
blue you would say “you’re my girl" and melt my heart. These years
were not easy but they were full of love and we were in them together.
You are a part of my soul sweet Gam. I
see you in the azalea blooms and the cardinals all around our backyard. I see
you in my mom when she cooks your favorite recipes and hear you in those quirky sayings we picked up from you. I feel you in my heart when I say my prayers at night and remember
how you taught me that - you taught me to pray and love God, family, and food. My dearest
Gammy you will be greatly missed and always cherished. Today we celebrate you
and the beautiful family you raised and the sweet memories we share.
LOVE LOVE LOVE This my sweet Lauren! You were one in a million in Gammy's eyes. She always knew there was something extra special about her "Laurie Del". thank you for being such a beautiful person and a wonderful caregiver to your Gammy through these last years.