Guest Post // Redesign your own garden paradise with trails and pathways

Hello, Ella here! I'm excited to be a guest blogger here on Something Lovely and to share with you a few ideas and inspiration for redesigning your garden.

When the new season is around the corner and you want to renew the garden landscaping around your house - always a great idea is to reorganize the pathways. You can add new trails and hidden routes so to completely transform the landscape, as well as make only some small adjustment in the leaf clearance of the plants or in the way of planting new seeds. Check out the following 4 ideas and pick up your favorite one for your garden!

Redesign your garden with pathways as a way for decoration and beauty:

One :: for slopping terrains with soft soil that is easy for remodeling.
With the perfect tools for digging and transporting heavy masses of soil, you can achieve awesome results. It comes to reorganize the slopping landscape completely by using natural stones with different sizes to form the pathways of your dreams, as well as walls of a couple of terraces all along the slopping terrain. Thus, the hill will not look as a hill any more. It will change into a series of paralleled cascading levels, each with its own wall of stones. By redesigning the landscape in this way, you get the advantage of enjoying large flat surfaces instead of steep slopping areas. The stability of the soil depends on the type of the soil and of the thickness of the stone walls. Make more terraces along the hill to improve the stability of the landscape even more. It will change into the perfect hill with terraces for outdoor gardening and it will be perfect for growing trees, edibles or basically all the types of plants. Of course, you can enhance the water draining system for a better usage of the rainwater and don't forget to leave a "gap" that should stretch alongside the terraces. Decorate it with stones and flowers, and it will change into the perfect pathway through the slopping terraces in your garden.

Two :: make a "green" pathway or pathways in your garden:
They can turn out quite spectacular too and they are perfect for gardens with lavish plants, bushes, flowers and other greens. This option consists of a massive and long wooden frame in the form of an arched tunnel. Use a winding tunnel that can stretch throughout the lawn in different directions. Or else, use a narrowing and straight frame to create an illusion for an "infinite" pathway. The construction should be chosen according to the size of your outdoor garden, as well as preferred types of plants. When the plants grow within the frame - they will form a lush "green" tunnel like in the fairy tales.

Redesigning with small pathways for ease of maintenance, accessibility and efficiency:

Three :: numerous narrow pathways throughout the entire outdoor area of the garden.
They are quite easy for making and the entire journey should last for just one weekend. Make the pathways within only a couple of meters from each other, so you can easily reach the plants. Your garden will become perfect for growing plenty of edibles outdoors, while the ease of watering will make the summer your favorite season. Other advantages range from an easy adjustment of the leaf clearance to quite easier maintenance tasks when growing, harvesting, etc.

Four :: pathways that will reorganize the walking area for an easier access to a patio, greenhouse or another outdoor area: Build narrow yet enough wide trails that can cut through tall trees and thick bushes, as well as surround flower areas. Or other paths that stretch alongside rivers and artificial ponds, trails for bird watching, relaxation and just for spending the afternoons in your favorite laid-back manner.

Whatever your garden style, be sure that it's your own personal paradise!

About Ella : Ella Andrews is dedicated writer, blogger and aesthete who finds her greatest inspiration in gradening and home decorating projects. She likes to discover beauty  everywhere around and this is what gives her huge motivation for her work. Find here some more of tips and hints on garden maintenance:  Gardeners Freezywater Ltd.

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